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September is the gateway to the fall season and most of you will be adjusting comfortably to your school or college. For the rest of us, we are getting on with our lives after a long restful summer filled with pole vaulting. For us at Vaulter Magazine, we had an amazing summer filled with the sport that we love. Had a huge BBQ vault with pole vaulters coming in from all over the United States to partake in a meet and have some BBQ and drinks on us! Next year will be enormous with what we have planned. Stay tuned.
Sam Kendricks and his Dad/Coach Scott Kendricks are the men of the hour for this month’s cover of the magazine. Can you imagine a sport without these men? Not to mention, why is Scott Kendricks his coach and father not celebrated and speaking at all the pole vaulting events around this great Nation? Last year he was at the offices of Vaulter Magazine speaking to our club and I would think that surely his number would be called after the duo accomplished such a large feat. We celebrate these two when the cameras are rolling, it’s about time that we do the same when the cameras are off and the team is back home. We salute you Sam and Scott, job well done!
Adele San Miguel has stepped up to the plate for this month’s cover story of the above-mentioned duo. Often when we have significant events such as the American Record break, World Record Breaks, and other pole vault related events, writers contact us right away for a chance to be part of American Pole Vault History. Adele and a few others wrote, and we couldn’t have picked a better author to make this article happen. “With hip height at 5.91, Sam and his coach, his father Scott, thought the record was within reach.” The rest is history and if you would like to read more, please check out the article. Thank you, Adele!
We are extremely blessed as a magazine and a sport to have a master’s gentleman such as John Clark bringing us insight into his journey as a pole vaulter. Not only as a vaulter but one that just started vaulting. Injury prevention is the name of the game this month and John remembers his first practice all too well. “Unfortunately, the very next jump was even more memorable, as there was a loud “pop,” accompanied by a sharp, hobbling pain in my left calf, just as I started my plant and take-off.” Great read and I know you will enjoy it!
Many are not happy about the IAAF ranking system and Kreager Taber writes about “Criticisms of the New IAAF World Rankings System.” A hot button issue as we head into the 2020 Olympics and make our way through the Diamond League meets. “On one hand, the new system extends the qualification window by two months, which allows athletes more opportunities to excel and meet the heightened standards.” Have a read, she wrote an amazing article and we think you will enjoy what you read.
Next month you will meet the coach with the most state champions in the sport of pole vaulting. Stay tuned as fall comes along and training continues.