Rice University Cover of Vaulter Magazine.
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Welcome back as we start the 2017 calendar year with a magazine all about the sport of pole vaulting. 2016 flew by in an instance and before you know it, you will be jumping at your first outdoor meet. This sport is exciting and constantly on the move, so keep reading, and we will bring you the articles that you want to read.
This month for Vaulter magazine we have Rice University on the cover to start 2017 off right. Samantha Kaplain writes up a sweet article featuring the pole vault squad and their legendary coach David Butler. Under the guidance of coach Butler for 17 years, this men's and women's team is sure to continue a long tradition of bringing a combination of old school values and his new philosophies. Drills and perfection are the names of the game for this coach, so read inside about Rice University and what they bring to the sport.
Coming through again this month for the sport of pole vaulting is Nic Caldwell and his insight into middle school athletes that love to pole vault. Hana Hill, age 14 and in the 8th grade competed last year in the pentathlon and pole vault. You don't want to miss this article and the journey that Hana has taken over the last few years to become one of the best 8th-grade vaulters in the nation.
Tim Murphy Jr. writes this month about the relationship between the coach and the athlete at all level of the sport. "To list them they are trust in your coach, trust in your athlete, trust in your pole, and trust in yourself." Stay tuned and see what this article has to offer about the relationships and trust that take place between the vaulter and his or her coach.
We have all had to face our fears and take that leap of faith. This month Kreager Taber writes about that very same aspect within the world of pole vaulting. "We have all had to face our fears and take that leap of faith. This month Kreager Taber writes about that very same aspect within the world of pole vaulting." Fighting through metal blocks and the time that it takes to press through to the next level. An article not to be missed, read this before your next leap of faith.
Many of our readers are multi-event athletes, and Kreager Taber has just the article to enhance your understanding of what it takes to be just that! The benefits of being a multi-sport athlete are endless, and they don't have to be wrapped around just the sport of track and field. A great read and something that all pole vaulters should consider as they continue their vaulting career.
Bubba Sparks is back, and he wants to hear from you! This month he talks about Reno and getting back to the form needed to jump at bigger meets. He wants to answer your questions and be part of the pole vault world by providing solution and answers to your questions.
This month is starting off with a bang, and so is Vaulter Magazine. Stay tuned for more news and information as we start a massive new year together. Good luck, vault safe, and jump high.
Doug Bouma
Editor, Vaulter magazine - Vaulter Club Inc.