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As we transition into the fall workout season for both college and high school, we will start showcasing the coaches that make this sport amazing. As the children continue to be masked up in the classroom, the uncertainty of the next few months in California for covid concerns and lockdowns is in the air. We hope that we will continue to press through like we have over the summer months but no telling how the state or the country will change in time. Keep in mind that the decisions affect us all and the sport that we love.
On the cover, we have Wendell Beck a true leader and inspiration to the sport of pole vault. Grandfather, father, and husband that has set an example for decades. “Life was busy with raising a family and a busy career, so pole vault took a back seat for a few decades. Then, “after 25 years of never picking up a pole, I picked one up again when all my kids were out of the house.” We know Wendell quite well and you will learn so much about this athlete and gentleman. Not to mention his amazing wife.
A pole is a pole to most people. But some are die-hard with the brand of a pole that they use and the adjustments that they make. Matt Barry has a few tips about poles and progression that will help you proceed to the next level. “Vertical Assault in Pennsylvania pretty much only uses UCS Spirit poles.Mac Pole Vault Academy has the “yellowest” pole selection I have ever seen! Vaultbarn in Texas is an Altius haven. “ Great article and a fun example of a great coach that has put the work in.
Phew! The magazine and the club are moving at a rapid pace. We are now working with Facebook and are under contract for content creation. This is taking a lot of our time, but we have a solid dedication to the pole vault community that has risen above the test of time. More coaches will be spotlighted and news and information posted throughout the week.