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My goodness, what a month the month of September was for the sport of pole vault. Lifting, running, working out, it is all the rage! Keep your chin up and continue to work hard.
On the cover of the magazine, we have Megan Clark. Megan has helped coach at our club, supported our magazine, and we have watched her jump for years. Megan was slotted in February 2020; October 2020 was the release date. This article was a long time coming for her previous sponsor. This October the magazine is all about her and her previous sponsor Fibersport Poles, that paid to make it all happen. Some aspects have changed since the article was written months prior, but the journey is all the same. Please enjoy!
John Clark brings to you a Masters spotlight with Ken St. Cyr. “Masters vaulter Ken St. Cyr graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1974, served six years in the Army, earned a Masters degree from the University of Southern California, and enjoyed a successful career that took him all around the world.” We know Ken and his life is already full of achievements and this article and his pole vaulting is just another notch in his belt.
David Brannan writes about a clean take-off compared to a free take of this month.“Many coaches think that a free takeoff means an athlete's foot leaves the ground before their pole strikes the back of the box and that it is essential for a successful jump. However, there a few 6-meter vaulters, the current world record holder included, who consistently step under at take-off.” Great little piece to read and he plans to have a few more that he posts as well. Good job!
We are looking forward to October as the training starts to build for the next season. We don’t know about you, but we will have a fall/winter, and spring season as we continue to have meets for kids to get their marks. As a privately owned club on private property, we have that option. November 7th, 2020 will be our first meet in our four-meet series that will conclude at the 2021 EXPO Explosion in Belton, Texas. Hopefully, we will see you all there. Could be the only large format meet for the pole vault community in January.