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Working out in preparation for the rest of the indoor season. Some of your multisport athletes will be playing football, cheer, and other events. Soon they will be wrapped up and your team will all be together for the winter months. The meets are already starting to be listed so you can start planning your travel for the season. We hope to see you at the 2021 EXPO Explosion in Belton, Texas on New Years Day. If not, we will have it all live-streamed for you.
On the cover, we have the famed coach Brian Elmore for the hard-working, hard-charging coach of the month. A wealth of knowledge and positivity surrounds this coach and we’re thankful to have him on the cover. “A Texas man through and through, Elmore has been pouring into the vault community for years.” Great read and plenty of rodeo references in the article.Good job Sara.
The Master’s Symposium was held at the Vaulter Magazine Facility this year and the event was a hoot of a time. Bubba came from Texas for his event and didn’t jump, but had a good time nonetheless. “The Master's guys came from as far away as New Jersey, Kentucky, Minnesota, Texas, etc., plus the local SoCal guys.Seeing everyone together is like a high school reunion even if you have never met the person before.” We also have an interview on our YouTube Chanel with Bubba and Jan Johnson.
We are thankful and this year we give thanks to the coaches. They put up with and put the time in the event that they love. Many times no one sees the effort that is put forth to get the athlete up and over the bar. Keep it up coaches and keep getting those kids to the next level. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and we will see you next month!