With half of the fall semester over, preseason training is underway. For high school seniors, this is the perfect time to start looking at schools and contacting coaches. This month, Penny Hanson has interviewed Wisconsin University, Madison coach Kyle Ellis to help high school students know what to look for in a school, how to start looking, and what to expect. Coach Ellis is a very insightful coach and his advice about how to pick a school and coach is worth your time.
The one and only Bubba Sparks has done it again by providing helpful tips to help make everyone’s vaulting the best it can be. This month, Bubba suggests specific drills and ways to practice in the preseason to prepare you for spring season and all your meets. His suggestions are great ideas because when you are in season competing every weekend, it can be hard to take the time to go back to perfect the little things. So take a look!
Anyone having trouble with their pole carry or how to grip the pole? This month coach Ellis has written an article just on grip to help you out. His article will teach you what to do and the benefits of gripping this way. It will also tell you what not to do and why some grips can actually hurt your vault rather than help you. Sometimes it is the little things in your vault that can make a world of difference and coach Ellis’s article on grip could make a huge difference.
To all the vaulters who have hit a mental barrier at practice, Dolf Berle has written the perfect article for you. Every vaulter has hit that mental wall, has been a head case, and has psyched themselves out at practice. We know what you are going through. Mr. Berle’s article is full of encouragement and gives suggestions on how to get out of that mental rut. His help and advice is much appreciated and we know you will find his article very beneficial.
Our featured article this month is on the legendary Bob Seagren. From his childhood stories to his 1968 Olympic victory, Seagren tells us everything about his vaulting career. This man’s story is one you don’t want to miss.
Last but certainly not least, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest writer Sadie Lovett. Sadie is currently a collegiate level pole vaulter at Eastern Illinois University and fits right in with our team. Welcome aboard Sadie and we look forward to reading your future articles.
Please enjoy all the articles we have this month. Thank you again for staying with us. We look forward to bringing you new and exciting things in our next issue! Until then, take care.