This is the May 2014 issue of VAULTER Magazine featuring Desiree Freier 4.42 on the front cover and Davis High School on the back cover. Most sought after print magazine for The Pole VAULTER and pole vaulting fan. Now you have the unfair advantage in pole vault!
During this time of year it is not always easy to focus. Students are in the midst of preparing or taking final projects or exams; most seniors are thinking about college. For many, it is time for a nice break, and keeping up with routines can be difficult. It is no different for athletes. For those struggling with keeping on top of their vaulting development, we have a wonderful piece written by Bubba Sparks that will help you get motivated to keep moving to that next level. Who couldn’t use that extra boost?
Also, maybe some of you out there need some help getting ready for college. It is not always easy figuring out which road to take, or where to attend school. If this speaks to your situation, please read Penny Hanson’s article about educational consultants. This may be just the thing needed to help you make your future plans. We know you will find this helpful.
In addition to the usual wise advise, this month also brings us a feature on high school senior Desiree Freier. This petite vaulter is jumping so high at seventeen years old it will amaze you. This girl is breaking records everywhere and is not planning to stop. She is one hungry athlete. Her story and achievements will definitely motivate you as well.
This month’s issue also treats us to a look at Davis High School in Utah. Coach Agnello and his team have been doing everything they can to keep pole vaulting alive in their area. It is no easy task, but the dedication and talent this team has is extraordinary.
Please keep pushing through, whatever you are doing this summer. Don’t let the stress or business get you down. Our hope is that curling up with these stories will leave you rested, refreshed and motivated to get out there and keep going. Thanks again for your loyal reading. We appreciate all of you, and our new readers as well. See you in July!