This is the July 2015 University of Memphis Issue of VAULTER Magazine USPS First Class "ONLY" issue of VAULTER Magazine. Most sought after print magazine for The Pole VAULTER and pole vaulting fan. Now you have the unfair advantage in pole vault!
In the midst of all the summer fun and workouts, fall is peeking its way around the corner! The fall semester is approaching fast and soon it will seem like you were never on break. But in the meantime, we have a great lineup of articles this month!
Sometimes we forget what college is all about. When you’re a college athlete, it’s common to forget that you’re at school for an education—not getting an education just so you can be a college athlete. Penny Hanson found a great blog for her article this month and the blogger, Tamara Pridgett, has some great points about being a college athlete. This article has terrific advice that you won’t want to miss.
We all love pole vaulting. But it is sometimes the most frustrating sport! Do you hate it? Do you love it? Well, it’s both. It’s not just the athletes either, the parents love/hate pole vault too. It’s so frustrating watching your child try again and again to achieve a new PR or break a record and miss, but every time they succeed makes it all worth it. Koni Lovett, pole vault mom, puts the parent-frustration into great words where she expresses her love and hate for the sport and why she believes it is still all worth it at the end of the day. Parents, this is worth your time.
Injuries can be a huge setback. They can ruin all of your plans and sometimes you never see the end of them. But rather than letting them defeat you, defeat the injury and continue to do what you love. That’s exactly what Jennifer Kistemaker did. After knee surgery, Jen rehabbed and worked hard to have a successful senior year despite what everyone told her. If you believe in yourself and what you are capable of, you can do whatever you want. Don’t miss this motivational story, it’s amazing.
On the cover this month is the great University of Memphis. Coach Fraizer just finished his 9th season as pole vault coach and what a 9th season it was! Qualifying three athletes to the NCAA Outdoor Championships, breaking records, and a clean sweep at conference, Coach Fraizer’s Tiger vaulters had quite the successful season and there is more to come next season! Jump on over to this story and see what this great team is all about!
For now, have a great rest of your summer. We will see you next month with more new and exciting topics. Until then, take care and we will see you soon!