This is the Jordan Scott Vaulter Magazine May 2016 Issue of VAULTER Magazine. Most sought after print magazine for The Pole Vaulter and the pole vaulting fan. Now you have the unfair advantage in pole vault!
May: the month where the sun decides to shine more consistently, after-school meets aren’t as cold, and summer break is so close that you can practically smell pool chlorine. Being the Olympic Year, we have been filling all the issues leading up to the Olympic Games with as many elites as we can. 2016 will be the year of the Pole Vault, and we have a great lineup for you this month!
First, we have the next article to Michael Soule’s Master Pole Vault Series. He has been writing articles to help anyone who is interested in starting pole vault again, get started. This month, he writes about how to effectively warmup. He covers how your running posture should be and how to wake up your fast-twitch muscles. This is another great article for anyone working on their comeback to pole vault—don’t miss his great advice.
We have two elites in this issue. First is Mary Saxer. Like all the other elites, Mary is training hard as she begins her outdoor season and prepares for the Olympic Trials in July. She has come a long way since her Junior year of high school as a pole vaulter. But it’s clear that she and pole vault were meant to be. This is not a story you want to miss. What better way to improve your own pole vaulting than to read about the tricks that elites have come up with. Mary has a lot of great advice, so check it out!
Next is an article I started thinking that I could cover everything in one go. I scroll through social media and see everyone bundled up for their freezing spring meets. Having experienced the 40-degree weather and doing warm-ups in my Carhartt coat, I know what it’s like for everyone to tell you how crazy you are for being able to compete in such weather. But how often do the parents get commended for enduring the weather? So here is the start to my “To The Parents” series high-fiving all the crazy parents for braving the weather. The first article is To The Not-So-Pole-Vault-Savvy parents out there who have no idea what this sport is and are trying to learn—this one’s for you. Keep on keepin’ on, because our sport needs parents like you, and your vaulter needs you too.
Jordan Scott is our second elite this month. He too is on his Road to Rio. Jordan is on a mission to make his Olympic dream come true. Just like Mary, Jordan has awesome advice about how to keep moving forward and to never give up. Thinking that pole vault would be the fun, relaxing sport when he saw his pole vault teammates sunbathing on the pits, Jordan’s decision to try pole vault jumpstarted his pole vault journey. Let his story encourage you to work hard and to find your fun—enjoy!
That is all for this month! We’re excited to see how you all improve as the weather gets even warmer! Keep making memories as the school year comes to an end, and be excited to start the next chapter—whether that be going into high school or going into college! Until next month, keep flying high!