This is the January 2016 Grand Valley University Issue of VAULTER Magazine. Most sought after print magazine for The Pole Vaulter and the pole vaulting fan. Now you have the unfair advantage in pole vault!
Happy New Year! Can you believe that it is already 2016? Can you believe that The National Pole Vault Summit is only 15 days away! To keep you occupied until then, we have a wide range of articles for you to read!
Our featured club this month is Pole Vault Carolina. Adele San Miguel has written the story of how this club began with the need of a pole vault coach and a man who was willing to give it a shot. Now, Jose R. San Miguel is a well-known pole vault coach and has helped so many become successful. Not only that, but now their club has an indoor facility that allows them to train all year and host sanctioned meets. Wonderful story and a great read—check it out!
On a more serious note, Jenna Calandro has submitted an article about her struggles with the “ideal pole vault body.” Jenna experienced the athletic “freshman 15” of muscle mass and thought that she no longer had that ideal body. Having experienced a massive weight loss, Jenna realized that there is no “ideal pole vault body,” but an ideal healthy body for pole vaulters. Our hope is that her story will help anyone who thinks that they have to look a certain way to be a pole vaulter. Jenna learned that to look good, you just need to be healthy—not skinny. Her experience is inspirational, and we hope that her story will help anyone thinking that they need to have a certain body type.
Did I mention that the Pole Vault Summit is 15 days away? It is! In this issue we have a short-and-sweet write-up about the summit. For those who will be attending for the first time this year, check it out!
Our featured University this month is Grand Valley State University in Michigan. This successful pole vault squad is working hard to make their way back to the NCAA D2 Nationals with the help of Coach Lou Andreadis. This pole vault team has a successful history at Nationals and has a wonderful program that will continue that success. Great school with so much to offer the pole vaulters. Coach Andreadis only coaches pole vault and he has created a program that will help his pole vaulters improve. Great team! Check them out!
That’s all for now! We can’t wait to meet all of you at the Summit! Be sure to stop by our table and say ‘hi.’ Also, be ready to learn and have the experience of a lifetime! Until Reno, or next month, continue to tell us about how you are improving and remember to always have fun!