Happy New Year, everyone! We are ready to start 2015 off strong with a brand new website, new ideas, and of course, the many articles we give you each month!
2015 is finally here and what better way to start it than with the Reno Pole Vault Summit? This month, Bubba Sparks has written an article for you to read during your preparation for the summit. He encourages you to use this meet as a leeway into your indoor season and to use all the meets from indoor as a preparation for your outdoor season. Flip over to his article where he, as always, encourages all of you to do your very best.
Also this month, Sadie Lovett has written an article on the Pole Vault Summit. This article will prepare you on what to expect at the summit as well as what you should focus on when you are there. This summit is made to be fun and not stressful, so she suggests for you to focus on the fun and use the positive energy to jump PRs. She says to take advantage of everything the summit has to offer and to cherish your time. Take a look at this article as you make your last-minute preparations for the summit!
Penny Hanson wrote an article this month for high school students preparing for college. Do you put everything on your social media sites? You may want to see what she has to say about your digital footprint because what you are posting may have an effect on your college applications. The last thing you want is to have an issue being accepted into college because of that one silly post in junior high. She always has great advice for you because she wants you all to succeed, so look at her article and see what she has to say: You will not be disappointed!
Having trouble deciding whether you need to buy the next pole? Sadie Lovett has also written an article on the benefits of having a large pole selection and why you should invest in having the pole progressions you need. She has also brought in some advice from other coaches who give you reasons why you want to invest in having that larger pole selection. Poles may be expensive, but they are well worth the price because they open up opportunities for you to improve! Jump on over to this article to see what a large pole selection can do for you.
The cover article this month is on the one and only Mark Hollis. We all know what a wonderful season Mark had this last season with jumping the impossible 19 feet. In this article, Mark recaps everything leading up to his season last year, what he went through, and his excitement for the 2015 season where he plans to make his goals of jumping 5.80 indoors and representing the United States in the Rio Olympics. Mark has a great vault story that you do not want to miss! Read about him before you see him in a few weeks at the Pole Vault Summit and wish him luck as he opens his 2015 season!