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It is that magical time of the year for many of us in the pole vault world. The weather is cooling down, the crispness is there with so much to be thankful for. Christmas time is so historic for vaulter Magazine with so many blessing to share. This issue is all about the Christmas time and the sport of pole vaulting. What we are thankful for and how the sport affects each of us as we navigate through the seasons. This month Vaulter Club will journey to Disneyland for their annual trip. We hope to see you at the 2021 EXPO Explosion in Belton, Texas on New Year’s Day. If not, we will have it all live streamed for you.
This month on the cover we have the Vaulter Magazine Training Facility Christmas tree, a symbol of the season for us at our club and guests that come and join us. Sara wrapped it all up in one story about the ways that our heavenly father has developed us in the direction that we choose to take with pole vault, the magazine, and the club. We like it, it is a festive story and explains the items that we love about the sport and the Christmas season.
A look back to 2021 when we had our very first Christmas issue of Vaulter Magazine with Sioux Falls South Dakota. It warms out heart to look back and see the athletes that have graced our cover of the magazine. Such an inspiration to see, and a look back is always good for the growth of the sport. All these athletes have moved on now, but the sport will always be in their hearts.
Merry Christmas to you all and as we finish the year we try and best to reflect and look at the blessings delivered to us throughout the year. Next month we will look at the camp scene and all that it has to offer for the sport of pole vault. There is much to learn in the camp scene and how to find that perfect camp is important for your growth. We will see you all next month.