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It is the most wonderful time of the year, and we have so much to be thankful for once again. 2019 was one heck of a year, and we hope and pray that the next month will finish off with a bang. This month we will have the University of Wisconsin on the cover. For the magazine, we are hustling to finish the year off in preparation for the 2020 EXPO Explosion meet in Belton, Texas.
On the cover, we have the University of Wisconsin, and they have quite the team ready to go for the indoor season. “Having done this for a long time, I know how important it is for the kids to be featured alongside the University and our program.” The coach knows the importance of having the athletes showcased, and the whole story is about them and their abilities.
John Clark is catching us up on the Master’s side of the pole vault. A lesson was learned about landing on his feet. “Unfortunately, I came down feet-first on the part of the pit that slopes down into the box, and as soon as my right foot made contact, a sharp and distinctive pain blasted through the inside of my right ankle.” John is ok, but he had one heck of a scare and a reminder that no matter how young you are, you must be careful.
Viral Moments from the IAAF Diamond League meet. What a fun topic and article this month. “These displays have been propagated to the masses through social media- for example, the trio of Kendricks, Duplantis, and Lisek has been dubbed the “Fly Boys”- and videos of their jumps have garnered millions of views.” We have all seen the picture, now you can read about the social media impact of it all.
Next month on the cover, we will have both of our writers that put content out for the magazine monthly. Stay tuned; they will have one heck of a story to tell.