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What a summer 2022 has become! This issue we have the Nationals issue of Vaulter Magazine and when we say Nationals, we mean high school Nationals. We went to the Nationals in Eugene, Oregon and it was a hit with a brand new stadium that rocks! It was a long haul for our athletes, but a great experience that all serious pole vaulters should experience. We had a great time at Nationals and Worlds, but the worlds issue comes next month in September. Thank you for following along, reading our articles, and looking at our pictures. We plan to expand and expanding is what we will do.
On the cover we have Megan Kelleghan (Colorado) representing the high school nationals that we attended in Eugene, Oregon. Kellehan is coached by Pat Manson out of Colorado. We had a great time at Nationals and we wish we could go to them all, specially the Adidas Nationals, that would be fun. New Balance would be a great fit as well and for the winter. Sara knocked this article out of the park and we are thankful daily for all that she does to contribute.
Daniel Bush is back and he has a cool twist on a pole vault podcast that he wrote up. Have a read, it’s interesting and fun! ““G’day, mates.Welcome to the Pole Vault Podcast,” the Australian host crackled over the airwaves.“I’m Barry Barlove, with K4HG radio.””
Next month it is all about the first ever World Outdoor track and field meet in Eugene, Oregon. A world record was set and a Olympic Gold Medalist won the Worlds Gold. What a treat to see live and taking it all in was exciting. We will see you all next month.