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We did not think that the year could get any better, but now we have the High School and Middle School Championships at the Big Red Barn. 135 athletes are signed up for this two-day event in Menifee, California. Stay tuned because things are just about to start heating up. Not much has changed in the world of Covid-19 and the Pandemic that has swept through the world.
We have a new writer and her name is Sarah Wagenveld and she’ll write all types of articles pertain to the sport of pole vault. This month was very captivating and welcomed addition. “The competition they generated pushed Pasqualetti to break the High School Outdoor National Record by clearing the height of 14’8¼, placing this unique summer meet in the history books.”
John Clark is back, and writing about his journey as a masters pole vaulter. One of the best parts about this article are all the quotes from people in the sport and what they love about the community. “Pete Chabra, a Masters vaulter from Ohio, describes it this way:
“We’re all in the same boat and we're willing to help each other paddle! I can call or Facebook someone, and they're more than willing to help or send me to someone who can.”
What does Russia have going on, well Kreager Taber is going to fill you in. “Russian Athletics Federation Fails to Pay Fines while World Athletics Hosts Innovative Competitions.” “After releasing their statement pertaining to the Russian Athletics Federation, World Athletics hosted a Continental Tour Bronze competition in Karlstad, Sweden, on July 8th.” Great read and awesome insight about a few meets that have popped up around the world.
Next month we have Megan Clark, Megan’s been slotted for the magazine for quite a few months now, and her time has come.