Arizona State University Cover
Thank you to our Advertisers. The partners that help our cause, the companies that bring this magazine to your every month! Thank you!
What a difference a month can make! Here at Vaulter magazine - Vaulter Club Inc., we have raised the money through all-comers, invitationals, and more to make raised runways and buy the gear the kids need. We are very active and driven to provide the tools necessary to not only bring this magazine to you the reader but also to our athletes that train. Three runways with pits and we are off for 2017!
With all of that said, March is here! In California, the flowers are blooming, and the sky is wetter than normal, but we are happy. Happy to be outside in the warm weather pole vaulting for the outdoor season. Soon the dog days of summer will be upon us, and we will be into fall.
This month we have Arizona State University on the cover of our magazine. Ron Barela as his team is set and ready to make a huge splash in 2017. Check out their article inside and see what they have planned for their indoor and outdoor season. Samantha Kaplan is bringing the news to the people this month with this in-depth article.
Kreager Taber is back and writing about Inversion Techniques and the struggles that some athletes have to get their hips in the air. "Rope vaulting, or simulating the swing, inversion, and top of the vault by jumping from a high platform while “vaulting” over a bungee onto a mat, is another surefire way to help develop the inversion." Check out her article in this issue of Vaulter Magazine.
Sumner Swartz comes to us with, "Physical Therapy in the 21st Century: Baby Movements." Injuries are very common and preventing and treating them are just as frequent. Check out the article this month and get an in-depth view of what Sumner is facing with his real life experiences.
We will see you next month when April comes knocking. Thank you for following us and reading about the sport that we love!
Doug Bouma
Editor, Vaulter Magazine - Vaulter Club Inc.