This is the April 2015 Flying Dragons Pole Vault Club issue of VAULTER Magazine with Sam Kendricks on the cover. Most sought after print magazine for The Pole VAULTER and pole vaulting fan. Now you have the unfair advantage in pole vault!
Happy Spring, Everyone! Not that spring brought too much warm weather with it, but April brought you all some good articles to read!
For all of the Juniors starting your college search, Penny has written an article on what to look for and do on your college visits. It’s very important to look at what colleges have to offer and get a good feel for each one. But sometimes looking at so many schools can be overwhelming! Lucky for you, Penny has given you a great outline to follow and some tips to take into consideration. So start opening those college letters and flip on over to see what Penny has to say this month.
Are you in a funk? Are you stuck? We all are at some point! This month Bubba has some good recommendations on how to get away from those run-through practices and back to the ones that count. As always, us younger vaulters benefit from his many years of pole vault expertise and he so graciously provides us with the solutions.
Also, now that everyone is in season, that one vaulter who we don’t like to see is back at our meets. But is the competition really with them? Sadie Lovett has written an article on the importance of knowing who the competition is between. It’s not the vaulters, it’s the bar that you must overcome. Sometimes that is intimidating, but this article gives you some advice about how to set goals to help you clear the bar and not let other vaulters affect your day to pole vault.
Dragons in the house! This month’s featured article is on the one and only Flying Dragons Pole Vault club. This enthusiastic, fun, family, and down-right awesome club is not one you will want to miss. Many of you may have heard of them and many of you may not have, but the story behind how this club began and how Coach Mike Cockerham literally built it from the ground up is very inspiring. For those who are thinking of starting a club, this is an article you will want to read because the leadership, encouragement, and dedication Mike and all the coaches have put into this club very well may help you get your club up and running. So check them out! The Dragons are not ones you will want to miss, but if you’re ever at a meet with them, there’s no way you will be able to overlook this powerhouse!
As we are now non-profit, we thank everyone who has stayed with us as we have gotten this far. We are now able to accept donations to help reach our goal of giving every vaulter an opportunity to become the best they can be. This is only step one to what we plan and it’s a step in the right direction! So until next month, keep jumping big and achieving your goals!