Abilene Christian University Cover
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Here comes April and the snow will soon be melting and the area all dried up for pole vault season. Track and field outdoor season to be exact! This month we have Abilene Christian University on the cover, and they have a large amount of history with their vaulting program. “A legend in the world of collegiate track, Coach Hood’s 2006 men’s team is said to be the greatest men’s collegiate track team of all time.” Check it out; it’s sure to capture your imagination and bring back some old memories from years past.
Kreager Taber writes about the use of Carbon Fiber poles and the popularity of them with their strength and light weight nature. This article helps you understand the nature of the vaulting poles and the ability to jump bigger bars with new technology. “The carbon poles also decrease the “fear factor” that comes along with moving up a pole or moving back a step, especially for girl vaulters who are sensitive to small changes in the pole weight.” So, check it out and see what she has to say, you won’t be disappointed.
Back to 2013 with this gem of an article from Samantha Slaubaugh about sprinting and the foundation of a good vault. “… until my first year in college, I never realized how important it was to have proper speed technique.” There you have it, an article you don’t want to miss.
Next month is May, and we have our first Canadian Elite Vaulter on the cover. Exciting times for the pole vaulting community.
Doug Bouma
Editor, Vaulter Magazine - Vaulter Club Inc.